Pt. Ramadhar J.Tiwari College of Polytechnic



The Pt. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic regularly organizes industry visits for our students, providing them with the opportunity to see firsthand how the theoretical concepts they learn in the classroom are applied in real-world settings.

During these visits, our students are able to meet with industry professionals, tour manufacturing facilities, and observe the production processes in action. They gain a deeper understanding of the technical and operational aspects of the industries they are studying, and learn about the latest innovations and technologies in their field.

Our industry visits also provide students with valuable networking opportunities. They are able to meet with professionals and experts in their chosen fields, and establish connections that may be useful later in their careers.

Recent industry visits organized by Pt. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic include trips to a manufacturing plant for electrical equipment, a chemical plant, and an automotive factory. During these visits, our students were able to learn about the latest production methods, observe the latest technology in action, and ask questions of industry professionals.

These visits are an integral part of the learning experience at Pt. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic. They help our students bridge the gap between theory and practice, and give them the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen fields. We are proud to offer these opportunities to our students and look forward to organizing more industry visits in the future.


With an extensive team of experts in teaching and administrative capability, we, at Pt. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic, welcome you to experience learning like never before.