Academic Events


Pt. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic, Mahuar Kala, Chandauli, established in the year 2010 is one of the prestigious institute of Rahul Group of Schools & Colleges, Mumbai delivering quality engineering diploma education. This institute is approved by AICTE, New Delhi and affiliated to Board of Technical Education, U.P. for engineering diploma courses in Civil Engg., Mechanical Engg. (Production), Mechanical Engg.(Automobile), Electrical Engg., Chemical Engg., Computer Sci. & Engg. and Information Technology. Institute is an ISO 9001:2015 certified and is the member of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Indian Society of Technical Institute (ISTE), New Delhi.

Orientation workshop on NSQF aligned curriculum

A workshop on orientation to NSQF aligned curriculums being organized by ‘Pt. Ramadhar j. tiwari College of Polytechnic, Mahuar Kala, Chandauli (UP)-221115 in collaboration with NITTTR, Chandigarh and BTE,U.P. with the view that from the session 2018-19 New NSQF base syllabus is being implemented but many principals and staff members of Polytechnic mainly of private polytechnics who are the major player are not aware with the term NSQF a very few of us in brief know that the national skill qualification frame work (NSQF) is a descriptive frame work that organize qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. These levels are defined in terms of learning out comes i.e. the competencies which the learner must possess regardless of whether they were acquired through formal, non formal or informal education and training. It is, therefore a nationally integrated education and competency base skill frame work that will provide for multiple pathways both within vocational education, and vocational training and among vocational education, vocational training general education and technical education, thus linking one level of learning to another higher level to enable a person to acquire desired skill levels, transit to the job market and return to skill development to further upgrade their skill sets. The workshop will help the polytechnic staff to achieve the objectives of NSQF with the syllabus implemented and to enhance the quality of diploma education in light of NSQF.



The scope of this workshop is related to the planning and development of polytechnic education for quality improvement in view modernization of automation of industries emerging new technology and computerization of industrial and service sector.

Important Date

Last date for Registration          :         15th October 2018

Workshop                                     :         25th October 2018

Chief Patrons

Shri L.R.Tiwari

(Founder Chairman, Shree Rahul Edcuation Society)

(Rahul Group of Schools & Colleges, Mumbai)

Er. R.C.Rajput

(Director, Technical Education,U.P.)


Mr. Rahul L. Tiwari

(Secretary, Shree Rahul Education & Society)

(Rahul Group of Schools & Colleges, Mumbai)

Mrs. Krishna R. Tiwari

(Joint Secretary, Shree Rahul Education Society)

(Rahul Group of Schools & Colleges, Mumbai)

Dr. S.B.Tiwari

(Director , PT.Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic)


Er. D.K.Srivastava

(Principal, PT. Ramadhar J. Tiwari College of Polytechnic)


Er.Surendra Pratap Tiwari

Er. Amit Tiwari

Technical Advisory Committee

Dr. M.K.Tiwari

(R.O., AICTE, Kanpur)

Er. S.K.Singh

(Secretary, BTE, UP, Lucknow)

Er. Surendra Prasad

(Joint Director, Tech. Education Eastern Zone)



Prof. P.K.Mishra

(Head, Chemical Engg., IIT BHU)

Dr. Bhardwaj


Dr. S.Ram Reddy

(Principal, Shri L.R.Tiwari College of Engg., Mumbai)


(Former Secretary, JEEC UP, Lucknow)

Organizing Committee

Er. A.K. Chauhan

Er. Jyoti Narayan

Er.Vinod Chaudhary


Er. Vijya Tripathi

Er.Brijesh Singh

Mr. Umesh Kr Yadav

Mr. R.P. Pandey


Mr. S.K. Srivastava

Er. Irshad Alam

Mr Vinay Shukla

Smt. Mamta Srivastava

Publicity Committee

Er. Prashant Singh

Er. Suryamani Tripathi

Organizing Secretaries

Er. Amarjit Maurya

Mr. Pradeep Kr.Tiwari

Organize under student chapter Institution of Engineers India (IEI)

S.No. Theme Date /Branch Mode
1 National Energy Conservation day 14.12.2020 (All Engg branches) Offline
2 Technical Webinar on industries 4.0 Reimagining Manufacturing 10.12.2020 (Electrical and Mechanical Engg) Online
3 Webinar on E-Bike & Retrofitting and Electric vehicle charging 12.02.2021 (Electrical and Mechanical Engg) Online
4 Cyber security for sustainable 13.02.2021 (CS and IT) Online
5 Energy efficient design of building 21.02.2021 (Civil Engg) Online