Pt. Ramadhar J.Tiwari College of Polytechnic

Composition of Exam cell(2023-24)

Sr.No. Name Role Designation
1 Shri Surendra Pratap Tiwari Member HOD (Chemical Engg)
2 Ms. Divya Rav Member Lecturer(CSE & IT Engg)
3 Shri Satish Chaurasiya Member Lecturer(ME)
4 Shri  Amrjit Maurya Member Lecturer
5 Shri Irshad Alam Member Lecturer(ME)
6 Shri Naveen Kumar Member Lecturer(CE)
Roles and Responsibilities Examination notices received from the BTEUP are duly served to all concerned. Notices from BTEUP indicating details regarding exam fee collection, the last date of fee collection, modalities of payment of fine etc are displayed. Preparation of smooth conduct of examinations, preparation of exam schedule, Invigilation duty chart, Seat allotment in the examination halls etc.For conducting examination the preparation of proper staff mobilization, assigning the duty as per the duty Chan already prepared After completion of examination, distribution of answer books to the concerned teachers and receiving the answer books and award list, and preparing in the desired format to send them to BTEUP.