AntI ragging Committee(2023-24)
S.No | Name | Role | Introduction Of the Members |
1 | Shri. Parmatma Prasad Verma | Convener | Principal |
2 | Shri .Surendra Pratap Tiwari | Member | Academic I/C |
3 | Shri Ashish Yadav | Member | HOD (CE) |
4 | Mr. Umesh Yadav | Member | Lecturer(App.Chemistry) |
5 | Mr. Arun Kumar Chauhan | Member | Sr.Lecturer(EE) |
6 | Mr. Ram Krishna Yadav | Member | Lecturer (App. Maths) |
7 | Mr. Satish Kumar Sriwastava | Member | Lecturer (App. Maths) |
Roles and Responsibilities
- To create awareness among the fresher’s.
- To explain the senior students regarding the adverse effects of ragging and punishments involved.
- To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
- Set up a suggestion Box and place it in the college to help the students to drop complaints or any kind of problems.
- Action should be taken against students violating the Anti Ragging Policy.
- The Head of the institution shall be obliged to act immediately in response to the information received from the Anti-Ragging committee.