Pt. Ramadhar J.Tiwari College of Polytechnic

AntI ragging Committee(2023-24)

S.No Name Role Introduction Of the Members
1Shri. Parmatma Prasad VermaConvenerPrincipal
2 Shri .Surendra Pratap TiwariMemberAcademic I/C
3 Shri Ashish Yadav MemberHOD (CE)
4 Mr. Umesh Yadav MemberLecturer(App.Chemistry)
5 Mr. Arun Kumar Chauhan MemberSr.Lecturer(EE)
6 Mr. Ram Krishna Yadav MemberLecturer (App. Maths)
7 Mr. Satish Kumar Sriwastava MemberLecturer (App. Maths)

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. To create awareness among the fresher’s.
  2. To explain the senior students regarding the adverse effects of ragging and punishments involved.
  3. To keep a continuous watch and vigil over ragging so as to prevent its occurrence and recurrence.
  4. Set up a suggestion Box and place it in the college to help the students to drop complaints or any kind of problems.
  5. Action should be taken against students violating the Anti Ragging Policy.
  6. The Head of the institution shall be obliged to act immediately in response to the information received from the Anti-Ragging committee.